Horse chestnut, any of several trees belonging to the genus Aesculus in the horse chestnut family (Hippocastanaceae), native to the North Temperate Zone. A mature tree is densely leaved in summer and is an impressive sight. Facts About.

Horse Chestnut Tree Good Points / Bad Points: Keeps children amused for hours!

The trees are sometimes planted on either side of a road, forming beautiful avenues. The leaves of the horse chestnut look like long, green fingers that spread out from the central stem. The most familiar member of the genus worldwide is the common horse chestnut, Aesculus hippocastanum.The yellow buckeye, Aesculus flava (syn.A.

Name – Aesculus hippocastanum Family – Spindaceae Type – tree.

Interesting Chestnut tree Facts: Size of chestnut depends on the species. Learn more about chestnuts in this article. Chestnut, genus of seven species of deciduous trees in the beech family (Fagaceae), native to temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Now susceptible to a disease known as bleeding canker where the trunk oozes an orange resin. Unlike true chestnuts (Castanea dentata), the nuts of horse chestnut …

Created: Oct 27, 2011 | Updated: Feb 20, 2012. Red horsechestnut info recommends caution when using this plant in the landscape due to its rather messy, poisonous seed pods. Horse chestnut is an attractive street tree with showy spires of white flowers and distinctive, palmate (hand-shaped) shiny, green, compound leaves. Planting a horse chestnut tree. They have palmately compound leaves and erect flower clusters, often in the shape of an inverted cone. Horse Chestnut Tree Facts.

Height – 50 to 150 feet (15 to 45 meters) Exposure – full sun Soil – rich and cool. … Horse chestnut, any of several trees belonging to the genus Aesculus in the horse chestnut family (Hippocastanaceae), native to the North Temperate Zone.

Horse Chestnut Tree Wildlife Rating: Not good.

Horse Chestnut facts sheet A horse chestnut grows in a tall dome up to 35m tall. The planting usually is in October when the first horse chestnuts naturally start germinating. What Are Horse Chestnuts? Widely planted as a large shade and street tree. It belongs to the Hippocastanaceae family of trees and shrubs and doesn’t belong to chestnuts at all. They can grow in the form of bush or tree. The outer layer of the chestnut is spiky, green color. Chinese Chestnut Tree, need to plant two trees for pollination; Chinquapin Chestnut Tree, Castanea pumila dwarf chestnut tree; Horse Chestnut Tree, also known as conker tree; Japanese Chestnut Tree, native to Japan nuts have poor flavor; Chestnut Tree, Facts and Information on Chestnut Trees.

A horse chestnut tree may grow to over a hundred feet in height.

The horse chestnut is a popular shade tree in the United States that dates back to the time of the Colonies.

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