Interesting Zebra Facts: Donkeys and horses are close relatives of zebras, but unlike them, zebras can't be trained and domesticated due to their wild nature. One family consists of 4-10 individuals. Here are some amazing facts about zebras.

Alle Vertreter der Zebras kommen ausschließlich in Afrika vor, wo sie zumeist offene Landschaften bewohnen.

They are often found grazing with wildebeest, hartebeest, and gazelle, since they all have separate nutritional requirements and do not compete with each other. The greatest threat to the Grevy’s zebra is habitat degradation caused by the heavy grazing of livestock. Zebras prefer the coarse, flowering top layer of grasses, which are high in cellulose. This does not seem like the behavior of an aggressive animal. The plain zebra is by far the most common.

Males are slightly larger than the females and most of them have both their back and belly covered with stripes (some may have white bellies too). The Grevy’s zebra (Equus grevyi) prefers to live in sub desert […]

Ohne Wasser halten sie es nicht lange aus und ziehen dann jeweils schnell weiter.. Zebras leben gern in Gruppen.

Captive zebras, however, can be seen in many zoos and animal farms across the world.

The distinct black and white stripes of the zebra (Equus spp.) Zebras are extremely difficult to domesticate, and most attempts to do so have failed. 3) Closely related to horses, zebras have thick bodies, thin legs, a tufted tail, and a long head and neck sporting a short mane. There are three species of zebra: Grevy's, Mountain and Plain zebra. Wild zebras can be found only in Africa where they inhabit a wide variety of habitats.

Geographic Range. Zebras were once found throughout Africa, but their current geographic distribution is only a fraction of what it once was.

Als Zebras (Hippotigris) werden die drei Arten Grevyzebra (Equus grevyi), Bergzebra (Equus zebra) und Steppenzebra (Equus quagga) aus der Gattung der Pferde (Equus) bezeichnet.Sie sind besonders durch ihr schwarz-weißes Streifenmuster gekennzeichnet. Some of them have shadow stripes (lines of lighter shades, like yellowish brown) in between the black and white stripes. Zebras fill vital niches in ecosystems across the continent. The animals are so rarely found that, despite some reported sightings in the wild, they’ve only been confirmed to exist in captivity. Learn what AWF is doing to protect this …

They live by families. Zebras are native to southern and central Africa. The Grevy’s have faced one of the most substantial reductions of range of any African mammal.

The Grevy’s zebra can be found in dry, semi-desert areas of Kenya and Ethiopia, and the mountain zebra lives in mountainous and hilly habitats in Namibia, Angola and South Africa. Zebras can be found in shrublands, grasslands, mountains and grasslands of Africa.
They are known to run away at the first sign of trouble or danger. are a widely recognized symbol of the savannah. The most commonly found zebras in the world, plains zebras have shorter legs, as compared to the other two species.
First two species are endangered. There are two distinct subspecies of mountain zebras (Equus zebra): Cape mountain zebras, E. z. zebra, and Hartmann's mountain zebras, E. z. hartmannae.Cape mountain zebras are found only in South Africa. The plains zebra is found across east and southern Africa savannahs but continued population decline and threatens its survival.

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